CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide


  • This event is fully-booked
    Please note that we have reached the maximum number of registrations for this event. Continue to register and you will be added to a reserve list. We will contact you as soon as there are places available.
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    Please specify if you are signing up as a member of CODART or the CVNK (Contactgroep Vroege Nederlandse Kunst / Network for specialists in Early Netherlandish Art)
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  • Dietary requirements

  • For example: allergies, vegan or vegetarian
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  • Accommodation

    We have been able to arrange a limited number of rooms at Hotel Europa offered against a reduced rate for participants of the CODARTfocus meeting. Rooms cost €114 per night, including breakfast, city tax and free Wi-Fi. If you wish to reserve a room, please check the box below and we will then provide you with the necessary information to make your booking directly with the hotel.
  • Would you like to receive information about the Hotel Europa?
  • Event Fee and Terms & Conditions