CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Paintings by Jacobus Vrel Sought by Bernd Ebert, Cécile Tainturier and Quentin Buvelot

In the Fall of 2020, the first retrospective exhibition of Jacobus Vrel (active 1650-1670) will open at the Alte Pinakothek in Munich (12 October 2020 – 10 January 2021), and travel to the Fondation Custodia – Frits Lugt Collection in Paris (29 January – 18 April 2021) and the Mauritshuis in The Hague (20 May – 29 August 2021). The three organizers are preparing a catalogue raisonné of the oeuvre of this enigmatic painter and searching for the whereabouts of a number of paintings. We would therefore greatly appreciate any information that you can provide on paintings or drawings by the artist, especially concerning the following missing works:

Street Scene, panel, 33.5 x 26.5 cm, formerly with Charles Roelofsz Gallery, Amsterdam, 1988

A Weavers Workshop, panel, 61 x 46.5 cm, sold in London (Phillips), 19 April 1994, lot 201

Street Scene with Couple in Conversation, panel, 38.2 x 31.9 cm, sold in Amsterdam (Christie’s), 1 September 2004, lot 32 (not identical with the painting sold at Sotheby’s, New York, 30 January 2019, lot 31)

Kitchen Interior, panel, 54.5 x 41.5 cm, signed J. Frel, sold in Vienna (Kende), 14-17 May 1935, lot 744, last seen in Vienna, Sammlung Mautner-Markhof , 1962

Please contact Bernd Ebert, Cécile Tainturier or Quentin Buvelot if you have information about the whereabouts of these artworks.