From now on, CODART has a new policy regarding news items. Only breaking news with headline value will be mailed to subscribers when they occur. Other items will be sent in a monthly message. Please do not forget to keep us informed about news from your institution or regarding your own career, such as:
Funny stories
1 February
Haarlem, Teylers Museum: Michiel Plomp begins work as curator of the art collections. His predecessor Michael Kwakkelstein has moved to Italy, where he is attached to the faculty of the Umbra Institute in Perugia.
2 February
Amsterdam: The Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University announces its art-history program for 2006.
6 February
The Hague: The Dutch state to return most paintings claimed by the heirs of Jacques Goudstikker.
23 February
CODART sends out questionnaires to its members concerning the Courant. Responses were accepted until 5 March, when the survey was closed in order to allow time for analysis before CODART NEGEN.
1 March
Sarasota, Florida, John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art: Stephen Borys becomes curator of collections. His former curatorship was at the Allen Memorial Art Museum in Oberlin, Ohio.
Registrations for the congress in Leiden stand at 105.
The study trip to the eastern and northern provinces of the Netherlands is fully booked, with 30 participants.
The congress will be attended by 23 curators from Central Europe. Their travel costs and congress fees are covered in large part by the Oost-Europa Fonds, administered by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.