CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

New layout launched of the CODART pages on news, museums, curators and exhibitions

One of the last stages of the 2008 website renewal project was completed today with the launching of new structures and functionalities for the directory pages on news, museums, curators and events. New ways of sorting and filtering the data have been implemented to make it easier to find information.

Since the start of the CODART website in 1998, our coverage of curators, museums, exhibitions and news items has grown to thousands of pages. Although we have a good search function, finding individual records is not always as easy as we would like it to be. Moreover, we felt the need to facilitate analysis of our records through improved  ways of sorting and filtering our pages. With the completion of these new structures and functionalities we hope to provide you with a powerful yet easy-to-use tool.

The website renewal project will be concluded in the next weeks with a curator’s forum and new on-line registration forms for new members and new friends.

Suggestions and comments on the renewed site are more then welcome: