CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Art in exile: Flanders, Wales and the First World War

Exhibition: 22 June - 15 September 2002

From the museum website

“Contextualising the work of a group of Belgian refugee artists in Wales, including de Saedeleer van de Woestyne, Gevaert and Minne. A collaboration with the Museum Voor Schone Kunsten, Gent and Hannema de Stuersfundatie, Heino”.


Oliver Fairclough, Kunst in ballingschap: Vlaanderen, Wales en de Eerste Wereldoorlog, Antwerpen (Pandora) 2002. 207 pages.
ISBN 90-5325-173-1.

Other venues

Ghent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten (12 January-17 March 2002).
Heino, Wijhe, The Hannema-de Stuers Fundatie (30 March-2 June 2002).