CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Corneille Visszatér

Corneille is back Exhibition: 16 May - 1 September 2002


Ferenc Tóth.

Museum information

An overview of the artist’s work, in cooperation with the CoBrA Museum in Amstelveen. Special attention is paid to the work connected with Corneille’s stay in Budapest in 1947, when he made the acquaintance of Hungarian artists of the newly formed European School.


Claudia Küssel, Willemine Leonore Stokvis and Tibor K. Hübner, Corneille, het Hongaarse avontuur, 1947, Amsterdam (Galerie Elisabeth den Bieman de Haas and Le Salon Rouge, ‘Le Rendez-Vous des Arts et des Lettres’) 2002. 111 pages. Illustrated.
ISBN 90-803554-5-3.

Hungarian edition: Corneille visszatér. Corneille is back. Budapest 2002. 59 pages. Illustrated.
ISBN 963-74418-5-9.