CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Da Vermeer a Kandinsky: Capolavori dai musei del Mondo a Rimini

From Vermeer to Kandinsky: Masterpieces from the museums of the world in Rimini Exhibition: 21 January - 3 June 2012

December 2011 sees the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Linea d’ombra, an enterprise created by Marco Goldin in 1996 dedicated to the organization of art exhibitions. In fifteen years of activity, Linea d’ombra has collaborated with over 300 museums and institutions worldwide and has obtained the loan of around 3,000 major paintings, drawings and sculptures. These works contributed to guaranteeing the overall quality of the exhibitions, acclaimed for their high standards. In the last fifteen years, over seven million people have seen the exhibitions organized by Linea d’ombra, often making them the most visited Italian exhibits of the year and among the most popular worldwide. Dozens of leading scholars, curators and art historians have contributed essays to the catalogues and have ensured the success of the related international conferences, also organised by Linea d’ombra.

To celebrate this fifteen birthday, in collaboration with the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini and the Fondazione San Marino, Linea d’ombra is holding a major exhibition. In recent years, the Malatestian fortress of Castel Sismondo in Rimini, designed in the mid-15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi, has been the stunning setting for exhibitions organized by Linea d’ombra. From 21 January to 3 June 2012, the Castel Sismondo will host the fifteenth anniversary exhibition. Thanks to the involvement of many of the museums that
have collaborated with Linea d’ombra since 1996, the exhibition has been conceived as a great art history lesson illustrated by works from the mid-15th to the 20th century and comprehensible to all. The catalogue will include contributions from some of the world’s leading experts.