The exhibition, dedicated to the subject of dance and related festivities as reflected in the visual arts, is a unique project the like of which has not been yet attempted worldwide. The periods in question, ranging from the late Renaissance to the Baroque and Rococo periods, are among the most attractive in terms of the evolution of the motif of dance in the fine arts, but also in terms of dance as such. The exhibition presents the widest possible variety of visual material, depicting dance in a variety of its types and forms. A section dedicated to court dance, related chiefly to festivities such as masquerade balls, dance performances in theater, and so forth, is juxtaposed with dances from the rural countryside, such as were for instance part of village fêtes. Apart from paintings (Dutch, Flemish, Italian, Austrian, Bohemian, Germand artists), the exhibition features also musical instruments, costumes, theater props, fans, prints, glass, porcelain, manuals on dancing as well as other period prints. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue in both Czech and English versions, to which a number of scholars in a variety of related fields of study have contributed.
Dances and festivities of the 16th-18th centuries
Exhibition: 12 December 2008 - 3 May 2009
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