CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dutch masters from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

symposium: 25 June 2005

Clemenger BBDO Auditorium

From the museum website

The exhibition Dutch masters from the Rijksmuseum features more than 100 masterworks by the most celebrated Dutch artists of the 17th Century, including Johannes Vermeer, Rembrandt, Frans Hals and Jan Steen. To mark the occasion of this extraordinary exhibition, a one-day symposium will be held at NGV International.

International speakers, including the Director of the Rijksmuseum, Prof. Ronald de Leeuw, will join distinguished Australian scholars to discuss the exhibition and examine the remarkable society and culture that created so many timeless masterpieces.


Bookings are required. Registration fees includes symposium, exhibition viewing, refreshments and afternoon tea ($70 Adult / $55 NGV Members / $45 Student). See the museum website for the booking form or contact the museum.
POST National Gallery of Victoria Program Bookings
PO Box 7259, Melbourne 8004
T +61 3 8662 1555
F +61 3 8662 1533


09:00-10:00 Registration & refreshments
10:00–10:15 Welcome, Dr Gerard Vaughan, Director, National Gallery of Victoria
10:15–11:00 Keynote address, Prof. Ronald de Leeuw, Director, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The Redevelopment of the Rijksmuseum
11:00–11:20 Morning Tea (provided)
11:20–11:50 Prof. Volker Manuth, Professor of Art History, Radboud University Nijmegen
Rembrandt and his studio
11:50–12:10 Martin Terry, Exhibitions Curator, National Library of Australia
The Dutch East Indies and the wreck of the Batavia
12:10–14:00 Lunch break and exhibition viewing
14:00–14:30 Taco Dibbits, Curator of Dutch 17th Century Painting, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
The collecting of Dutch paintings for the Rijksmuseum
14:30–14:50 Helga M. Hill, Director, Early Arts Guild of Victoria
Keeping up appearances: dance, gesture and costume in the Golden Age
14:50–15:10 Afternoon Tea (provided)
15:10–15:30 Dr Frank I. Heckes, Honorary Research Associate in Art History, La Trobe University
Love letters in the art of Vermeer
15:30–15:50 Ken Wach, Associate Professor and Head, School of Creative Arts, The University of Melbourne
Salvador Dalí’s obsession with Vermeer
15:50–16:00 Closing remarks


Symposium generously supported by the Australian International Cultural Foundation.