CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Flemish and Dutch painters in Central Europe and northern Italy in the late 17th century: Almanach and the painting of the second half of the 17th century in Carniola

symposium: 20 October - 23 October 2005


University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of the History of Art
France Stele Institute of Art History, Scientific Research Center of the SAZU
National Gallery of Slovenia

From the organization

Researches into Baroque art on the Slovenian territory have been thriving again during the last few years. One of the themes about which numerous texts, some of them also debatable, have been recently published is certainly the painting of the second half of the 17th century in former Carniola, i.e. the central part of present-day Slovenia. Since this topic seems to attract a lot of interest among scholars, a decision has been made that a scientific symposium, Flemish and Dutch painters in Central Europe and northern Italy in the late 17th century, will be held in the autumn of 2005, coorganized by the Department of the History of Art at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, the France Stele Institute of Art History at the Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the National Gallery, Ljubljana.


The principal thematic groups of the symposium will be: Almanach and other Flemish and Dutch masters active in the later half of the 17th century in Carniola (for example: Harman Verelst, Justus van der Nypoort, Ludvik de Clerick, Sebastian Verporto, Pieter Averex); issues related to the Carniolan noblemen as patrons and art-collectors; and wall- and oil paintings and various artistic furnishings in palaces and other kinds of aristocratic homes in Carniola. It is also our wish that the symposium covered the question of Flemish and Dutch masters active in (northern) Italy and the Habsburg lands, as well as the theme of European illusionistic and genre painting of the second half of the 17th century.

The event will also be accompanied by an exhibition. Most of the paintings that will be shown in the exhibition and are expected to be discussed by some participants have already been published by Federico Zeri and Ksenija Rozman in the catalogues of the National Gallery (Slovene-Italian bilingual exhibition catalogues of 1983, 1989 and 1993, and the English catalogue of 2000, European Paintings. Catalogue of the Collection), which are available in major art-history institutions.


    Thursday, 20 October 2005


  • Inauguration

    Friday, 21 October 2005


  • Matej Klemenčič (Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana), Baroque studies in Slovenia: forgotten paintings and overlooked painters
  • Michele Tavola (Milano), Federico Zeri e la fortuna critica di Almanach
  • Mirjana Repanić Braun (Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Zagreb), 17th Century painting in North Croatia – minor episode of early Baroque painting
  • Daniele Benati (Dipartimento di studi medievali e moderni, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio, Chieti), Ritratto ambientato in Italia tra XVII e XVIII secolo
  • Joy Kearney (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam), De Hondecoeter, Weenix, Roos and the paradise landscape revisited
  • Christiane Morsbach (Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz), Die Genrebilder der in Wien und Umgebung wirkenden niederländischen Zuwanderer Jan van Ossenbeeck (1624–1674), Jan Thomas (1617–1678), Johannes de Cordua (um 1630?–1698?) und Jacob Toorenvliet (1635–1719)


  • Matej Klemenčič (Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana), Uroš Lubej (Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, OE Ljubljana), Barbara Murovec (Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana), The counts of Auersperg Portrait Gallery from Gornja Radgona and the question of its author(s)
  • Barbara Jaki (Narodna galerija, Ljubljana), Some observations on paintings, traditionally attributed to Almanach
  • Petr Ingerle (Moravská galerie v Brně, Brno), Between the descriptive and the narrative: Justus van den Nypoort and his activity in Salzburg and Olomouc
  • Blaženka First (Narodni muzej, Ljubljana), Flämisches Vorbild für das spätmanieristische Ölgemälde Hl. Franziskus von Assisi in Ekstase. Versuch einer Attribuierung zu dem Maler Johannes Koch
  • Gerlinde Gruber (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Wien/Dunaj), Un altro pittore della realtà in Lombardia: qualche considerazioni su di un pittore anonimo

    Saturday, 22 October 2005


  • Erwin Pokorny (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien), Unbekannte Zeichnungen von David Teniers dem Jüngeren in der Sammlung Valvasor
  • Ulrich Becker (Alte Galerie, Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz), Zwischen battaglia und gevecht: Die Schlachtenmaler Cornelis de Wael (1592–1667) und Alexander Casteels (um 1635–1681/82)
  • Mauro Lucco (Dipartimento delle Arti Visive, Università degli studi di Bologna, Bologna), Pittori di pitocchi nell’Italia del Nord
  • Igor Weigl (Oddelek za umetnostno zgodovino, Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana), Erasmus Friedrich Count Herberstein (1631–1691) and his collection of paintings in Hrastovec (Gutenhagg) Castle
  • Barbara Murovec (Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut Franceta Steleta, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana), Icones a Iohanne Wiriex inuentas et delineatas. Zum Sammlungswesen im 17. Jahrhundert


  • Milan Pelc (Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Zagreb), Scherz, Satire und tiefere Bedeutung auf den Flugblättern des 17. Jahrhunderts (Beispiele aus der Graphischen Sammlung Valvasors in Zagreb)
  • Jure Mikuž (Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana), The image of a fly as representation, symbol and trademark
  • Andrej Hirci (Narodna galerija, Ljubljana), Multispectral analysis of paintings from the second half of the 17th century
  • Ivo Nemec, Andreja de Gleria, Katja Kavkler (Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine RS – Restavratorski center, Ljubljana), Paintings attributed to Almanach and Harman Verelst: materials and techniques
  • Tamara Trček Pečak, Miha Pirnat ml. (Narodna galerija, Ljubljana), Barbara Hirci (Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine RS – Restavratorski center, Ljubljana), Conservation and restoration of paintings by Almanach and his contemporaries

Contact and information

Matej Klemencic
Department of the History of Art
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Aškerceva 2
POB 580
SI-1001 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
Tel: (+386 1) 241 1210
Fax: (+386 1) 241 1211

Barbara Murovec
France Stele Institute of Art History
Scientific Research Center of the SAZU
Novi trg 2
POB 306
SI-1000 LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
Tel: (+386 1) 470 6190
Fax: (+386 1) 425 7800

Narodna galerija
Puharjeva 9
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel: (+386 1) 241 5434
Fax: (+386 1) 241 5403

Related exhibition

Almanach and painting in Carniola in the second half of the 17th-century, 20 October – 18 December 2005