The symposium unites specialists of late sixteenth and early seventeenth century art. The contributions present various viewpoints that provide a many-layered context for the life and work of the religious history painter and his milieu. A state of the current research is presented. Old and sometimes well-used paths remain important, but new roads need to be taken. The symposium is divided in two sessions.
The morning session focuses on the Antwerp artist Frans Francken the Elder (ca. 1542-1616), his house, workshop, his library, and the restoration of his masterpiece, the Schoolmasters’ and Soapboilers’ altarpiece. During the afternoon session, attention shifts to the often complex oeuvre of some of his contemporaries. How did Hendrik de Clerck, Ambrosius Francken, Frans Francken the Younger, Abraham Janssen, Otto Vaenius, and others respond artistically to the changing religious ideas and iconographical tastes of the commissioners?
The contributions are in Flemish, French and English. Registration is free, but mandatory. To participate please send an e-mail to before 16 May.
For more information and the full program see the Rubenianum website.