CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Fresh woods and pastures new: seventeenth-century Dutch landscape drawings from the Peck Collection

Symposium: 20 January 2001

Symposium in conjunction with exhibition held in 1999 in Chapel Hill (Ackland Art Museum), in 2000 in Ithaca (Herbert F. Johnson Museum) and in 2000-01 in Worcester (Worcester Art Museum)


Susan Kuretsky
Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann
Alan Chong
Frank Robinson
Theo Laurentius

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Exhib. Fresh woods and pastures new: seventeenth-century Dutch landscape drawings from the Peck Collection, Chapel Hill (Ackland Art Museum)

Exhib. Fresh woods and pastures new: seventeenth-century Dutch landscape drawings from the Peck Collection, Ithaca (Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art

Exhib. Fresh woods and pastures new: seventeenth-century Dutch landscape drawings from the Peck Collection, Worcester (Worcester Art Museum)