Information from the RKD, 7 April, 2015
Gerson Digital: Denmark Dutch and Flemish art in European perspective 1500 – 1900, Part II
Presenting a chapter of the digital version of Horst Gerson’s Ausbreitung und Nachwirkung der holländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts (1942/1983), translated, illustrated and annotated. The Gerson Digital Project was launched on 25 January 2013. In December 2013 Part I on Poland was published. The RKD would like to invite you to a celebration of the completion of Gerson Digital: Denmark on Wednesday 6 May from 3 pm.
15.00 Welcome by Chris Stolwijk, director of the RKD
15.15 Launch of Gerson Digital: Denmark by H.E. Mr Ole E. Moesby, ambassador of the kingdom of Denmark in the kingdom of the Netherlands
15.30 Presentation of Gerson Digital: Denmark by Rieke van Leeuwen, Project Manager
16.00 Artists of the Low Countries in Denmark, 1500-1700 by Juliette Roding, Guest Editor
16.30 An Antwerp interior in Rosenborg Castle by Jørgen Wadum, SMK, director of CATS
17.00 Drinks
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