Jan Piet Filedt Kok,Ger Luijten, Larry Nichols and Nadine Orenstein.
The exhibition was organized by the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and The Toledo Museum of Art.
An indemnity was granted by the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.
From the museum website
The first major retrospective devoted to this virtuoso Netherlandish mannerist features spectacular figural displays in prints, remarkable pen paintings on parchment, vivid portraits and nature studies in colored chalk and silverpoint, and paintings of mythological and religious subjects on canvas and copper. Culled from collections throughout Europe and the United States, the selection of some 69 drawings, 80 prints, and 13 paintings spans the artist’s entire career and demonstrates his legendary mastery of a wide range of media, subject matter, and styles.
The exhibition was made possible in part by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Additional support was provided by The Schiff Foundation. The exhibition was also supported by the Gail and Parker Gilbert Fund.
Huigen Leeflang, Ger Luijten, Willem Jacob Engelsman and Lawrence W. Nichols, Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617): tekeningen, prenten en schilderijen, Zwolle (Waanders) and Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2003.
ISBN 90-400-8793-8 (hardbound).
English edition: Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617): drawings, prints and paintings, translated from the Dutch by Lynne Richards.
ISBN 90-400-8794-6.
Other venues
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum (7 March-25 May 2003)
Toledo (Ohio), The Toledo Museum of Art (18 October 2003-4 January 2004).