After being exhibited in the Jubelparkmuseum in Brussels and in the Museo de Guadalajara in Spain, four exceptional tapestries that are normally to be seen in the museum of the parish church in Pastrana, Spain are now on show in the Museo de Arte Antiga in Lisbon. In 2009 they have been restored in Belgium.
The late 15th-century tapestries from Tournai depict the military expeditions of the Portuguese king Alfonso V on the Moroccan coast.
The Fundación Carlos de Amberes in Madrid took the initiative for the restoration, which was undertaken by Koninklijke Manufactuur De Wit in Mechelen. It received support from the Belgian fund InBev-Baillet Latour and the Spanish Fundación Caja Madrid.
Fundación Carlos de Amberes
Fonds Inbev-Baillet Latour
Ministério Da Cultura
Instituto dos Museus e da Conservaçao
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga
Fundación Caja Madrid
Diputación de Guadalajara
Junta de Castilla-La Mancha
Fundación Juan Entrecanales
Presidencia europea