CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Made in Holland: Oude Meesters uit een Amerikaanse privéverzameling

Made in Holland: Old Masters from a private collection in America Exhibition: 4 November 2010 - 30 January 2011

From the museum website, 30 June 2009

Not all Old Master paintings are in museums; superb works also grace the walls of fine private collections all over the world. One of these is an American collection of Old Masters that is not open to the public. The Mauritshuis has secured the loan of the best works from this collection for an exhibition in the fall of 2010.

A selection of paintings has been made that are not only extraordinarily beautiful, but also in excellent condition. Works from this collection have occasionally been lent out to exhibitions in the United States and abroad. However, this is the first time that a broad selection from this outstanding collection will be presented in the Netherlands.

The exhibition features paintings by famous artists such as Rembrandt, Frans Hals and Hendrick Avercamp. Many other artists are represented as well, including Gerrit Dou with one of his rare still lifes, and Frans van Mieris the Elder with a genre scene.

This exhibition is being jointly organised by the Mauritshuis and the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts in the United States.

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