CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Memling instrumentaal

Memling instrumentally Exhibition: 21 December 2002 - 2 March 2003

Museum information

The triptych Christ with angels singing and making music by Hans Memling is back from the restoration studio, where it went at the end of 2001. To mark the return of the painting to the galleries, it is being presented together with musical instruments of the kind that are shown in the painting. The angels on the left wing are playing a psaltery, a nun’s trumpet (nonnentrompet), a lute, a trumpet and a shawm (schalmei). On the right wing we see a contra-trumpet (bazuin), a trumpet, a portable organ, a harp and a fiddle. During the exhibition, examples of some of these instruments will be displayed (and can be played). The instruments are on loan from the Brussels Muziekinstrumentenmuseum and the Stedelijke Musea Brugge.