Each of the three authors took responsibility for a different period: Gothic (MK), Renaissance (PO) and Baroque and Rococo (AK).
Op Nederlandse manier: inspiracje niderlandzkie w sztuce slaskiej XV – XVIII 2.: katalogo wystawy
Mateusz Kapustka, Andrzej Koziel and Piotr Oszczanowski
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2001 in Legnica (Muzeum Miedzi w Legnicy)
126 pp., 26 cm.
Legnica (Muzeum Miedzi w Legnicy) 2001
ISBN 82-88155-10-5
Nationale Nederlanden
Raben Logistics
Toraed Chemical
Related events
Exhib. The Golden Netherlands, Wrocław (Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu)
Symposium The Netherlands in Silesia, Wrocław (Collegium Anthropologicum)