Paintings from the Bonnefanten’s collection of Old Masters exhibited alongside digital versions. The presentation Pixel Perfect? allows you to reflect on whether digital reproductions enhance the art experience or in fact jeopardize it.
Digital reproductions in museums: the future?
Bonnefanten lets visitors think about the role of digital reproductions in museums. A presentation and a panel discussion will focus on the opportunities of digital reproduction techniques for museums and the public. How do these razor-sharp digital copies influence the experience of art in museums?

Pieter Brueghel the Younger (workshop) (1564-1638), Winter landscape with bird trap, 1631
Bonnefanten, Maastricht
Digital reproductions offer both new opportunities and new problems. Judge for yourself at the presentation Pixel Perfect? that is on view from 2 March until 17 March 2024 at Bonnefanten, Maastricht.
Panel discussion – 09.03.2024 14.00 PM – 15.15 PM
The current discussion highlighted in Pixel Perfect? will be given depth in the panel discussion on Saturday afternoon in Bonnefanten’s auditorium on March 9. Multiple international experts will debate: Mario Cristiani, Honrary president of Save The Artistic, James Bradburne, former director Pinacoteca di Brera and Palazzo Strozzi, Milan, Giacomo Nicolella Maschietti, journalist and art expert, Micha Leeflang, independent art historian and curator Kasteel Huis Bergh and Till-Holger Borchert, director of the Suermondt Ludwig Aachen. Do they see problems or opportunities in digital reproductions, and which ones? What role could digital reproductions play in museums?