CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Prints with a Pedigree. Treasures from Old Print Collections

Exhibition: 23 November 2021 - 13 February 2022

National Gallery Prague, Schwarzenberg Palace

The small-scale exhibition acquaints visitors with print collecting in the past. The beginnings of print collections emerged during the Renaissance period, with erudite rulers, noblemen and scholars being among the first collectors. The collections were often kept in libraries, pasted into albums or left as individual sheets. Prints were also purchased in large numbers by artists, serving them in their workshops as models and sources of inspiration. The display will demonstrate how the aficionados of the black-and-white art obtained prints and how they cared for them. Rare collectors’ albums from the early modern times containing etchings by Hieronymus Cock, engravings by Crispijn de Passe or Jan Sadeler, but also from the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries will be highlighted that have never before been shown to the public and, in general, are exhibited only exceptionally. Furthermore, there will be prints with pedigrees on view that come from prestigious Czech and foreign collections, e. g. The Flight into Egypt engraved by Hendrick Goudt after Adam Elsheimer that comes from the collections of the Mariette dynasty, distinguished family of printmakers, publishers and connoisseurs of graphic art. This is attested to by collectors’ marks and stamps on the reverse of prints, which is why, quite out of the usual practice, equal attention will be devoted to the front and the back sides of the showcased sheets.

Curator: Blanka Kubíková
Specialized collaboration: Lenka Babická

Crispijn de Passe the Elder (1564-1637), The Entangling of Chaos and Coat of arms of Karel Příchovský
National Gallery Prague