Blaise Ducos discusses the relationship between the work of Rembrandt and his former pupil Gerrit Dou.
Blaise is Curator of 17th- and 18th-century Dutch and Flemish Paintings at the Louvre Museum, Paris. Join him as he explores the ‘Leidenesque’ quality of Rembrandt’s achievements in print. Rembrandt explored printing techniques and established himself as one of the greatest peintres-graveurs (painter-engravers) ever: indeed, his prints became a major means of artistic dialogue between Rembrandt and his former pupil and founder of the Leiden school of fine painting, Gerrit Dou. This talk will explore some instances of this dialogue between the two Dutch geniuses – be it in portraiture, or in the field of the distracting and innovative Dutch specialty, the nude.
For details about this event, see the Dulwich website.