From the museum website, 27 February 2009
In around 300 etchings, 90 of which were selected for this exhibition, Rembrandt covered a huge range of styles and subjects, including self-portraits, scenes from the Bible, vignettes of everyday life, landscapes, portraits and character studies. The well-known Hundred Guilder Print, the Three Trees and the Three Crosses are among his most extraordinary creations and continue to inspire artists today.
Exciting new areas of research have opened up in recent years, allowing us not only to follow the progress of Rembrandt’s work on each plate, but also revealing how and when he revised the images at various times during his life. The role played by Rembrandt’s preparatory drawings and related oil-sketches, several of which are included from collections in Europe and America, is also now better understood, and these new insights are presented to a wider public for the first time.
Michael Marks Charitable Trust
Rembrandt the printmaker
Erik Hinterding, Ger Luijten and Martin Royalton-Kisch, with contributions by Marijn Schapelhouman, Peter Schatborn and Ernst van de Wetering
Catalogue of exhibitions held in 2000 and 2000-01 in Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) and in 2001 in London (British Museum)
384 pp., 30 cm.
Zwolle (Waanders) and Amsterdam (Rijksmuseum) 2000
ISBN 90-400-9489-6 (hardbound)