From the museum website
This year the presentation of works from the Stedelijk Museum is dedicated to the ‘druksel prints’ of Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman (1882-1945). In these ‘druksels’ from the 1920s the artist developed a technique born of a passion for the printer’s trade that was simultaneously new, simple and sophisticated. Werkman printed parts of a print one at a time to compile his total image on the page.
The presentation also shows graphics from the 1930s and from the period spanning the Second World War, prints for which Werkman is most well known. The presentation will be accompanied by a publication containing Werkman’s correspondence with his most important artist friends.
H.N. Werkman: het complete oeuvre
Dieuwertje Dekkers, Anneke de Vries and Jikke van der Spek
Published in connection with the exhibition Stedelijk Museum te gast: “druksels” van Werkman held in 2008 in Amsterdam (Van Gogh Museum)
480 pp., with CD-ROM containing oeuvre catalogue of ca. 2000 works. In the book ca. 200 works are catalogued and illustrated
Rotterdam (NAi) 2008
ISBN 978-90-5662-004-02