CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Theodorus Beckeringh & de Groninger borgenkaart

23 June - 23 October 2016

Theodorus Beckeringh & de Groninger borgenkaart

Exhibition: 23 June - 23 October 2016

Theodorus Beckeringh (1712-1790) was a lawyer and cartographer from Groningen who has published (1781) a detailed map of the province of Groningen on the basis of observations and measurements during the preceding three decades. Much of his sketches have been preserved in the collections of the University of Groningen Library, the Groninger Archieven and the Groninger Museum. To celebrate the publication of this unique cartographic material, the Groninger Museum displayed Beckeringh’s original drawings.

Theodorus Beckeringh (1712-1790), Borgenkaart, 1781