Information from the organizers
After two successful conferences, this year’s third edition of What are we doing? will be held at Amsterdam. The enthusiasm displayed by the young art historical medievalists to present their research clearly demonstrates that Dutch art and architectural research is blooming. During this third edition we focus on late medieval art and architecture. You are cordially invited to attend this conference.
Doelenzaal, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Singel 425 (University Library),
1012 WP Amsterdam
Registration is highly recommended. You can send an email to stating ‘What are we doing’.
€ 5,00 without lunch, € 15,00 including lunch. Please transfer to T.G. Jasperse, NL21 TRIO 0784 8801 07, stating ‘What are we doing’.
10.30 Reception with coffee and tea
11.00 Welcome and introduction
11.15 Hanneke Nap (scientific researcher at BRCP)
The Bosch Research and Conservation Project. An international, multidisciplinary art historical research into the works of Jheronimus Bosch (ca. 1450-1516)
11.45 Huib Iserief (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
The altarpiece of the Manna Master. Anti-Judaic iconography in the Northern Netherlands
12.15 Questions and discussion
12.30 Anne-Maria van Egmond (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Presentation of the Bibliography of the Middle Ages (Vereniging van Nederlandse Kunsthistorici) and the target audience policy of VNK
12.40 Lunch
13.45 Merlijn Hurx (Universiteit Utrecht)
Architectural planning and bureaucracy in the late Middle Ages
14.15 Ingmar Reesing (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Devotion in miniature. An early sixteenth-century miniature retable at the Louvre
14.45 Questions and discussion
15.00 Coffee and tea
15.30 Corinne van Dijk (Universiteit Utrecht)
Word over image. From mass of Saint Gregory to text board
16.00 Hanneke van Asperen (Tilburg University)
Virtues of good government. Caritas in Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Buon Governo in Siena (1347-49)
16.30 Questions and discussion
16.45 Closure