Room of Wonder has been put together by antiquarian and interior designer Axel Vervoordt. The displays include naturalia, jewellery and exotica along with historical and contemporary art.
Step into the Room of Wonder put together by antiquarian and interior designer Axel Vervoordt. Marvel at naturalia, jewellery and exotica along with historical and contemporary art. The exhibition includes artworks by Anish Kapoor, Wim Delvoye, Marina Abramović, Jan Fabre and others.
Axel Vervoordt is an internationally renowned antiquarian and interior designer. He is something of an authority on silver and a past master when it comes to putting together inspired, aesthetic and wondrous combinations. To create his ‘Room of Wonder’, he drew on DIVA’s collection and added loans, including pieces from his own collection. The resulting exhibition, which consists of naturalia, jewellery and exotica, along with historical and contemporary works of art, arouses curiosity and amazement. ‘Room of Wonder I: Axel Vervoordt’ is the first in a series of special exhibitions in which a number of guest curators present their interpretation of a Wunderkammer, or cabinet of curiosities and rarities.