This exhibition revolves around Wybrand de Geest (1592-1661). The young Wybrand exchanged Leeuwarden for Utrecht around 1612, to be trained as a painter there. After that he went on a ‘grand tour’ through Europe, to Paris, Aix-en-Provence and Rome. With a unique album amicorum (a friendship book) full of contributions from his artist friends he returned to his hometown Leeuwarden for good around 1620. There he built up a flourishing portrait practice thanks to clients from the Frisian nobility who knew how to find him throughout his life. Three Frisian Nassaus in a row also granted him their portrait commissions, a huge boost to his reputation. For example, he painted life-size portraits of stadtholder Ernst Casimir of Nassau-Dietz and his wife Sophia Hedwig, ancestors of King Willem-Alexander.
Wybrand de Geest
Exhibition: 6 September 2025 - 1 March 2026
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