Associate Member of CODART since 2024
Co-director of the project Flemish Art in Spain, jointly organized by the Instituto Moll and the Fondation Périer-D’Ieteren.
Areas of specialization
- Flemish Painting from the 15th to the 18th century
- Spanish art during the Habsburgs period and its cultural links with Europe
- The Habsburgs in Flanders and their connection with the rest of the Spanish Empire
Selected publications
La pintura flamenca del siglo XVI en Osuna (Sevilla). Arte, devoción y significado para los condes de Ureña
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Sevilla (Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte / Junta de Andalucía) 2024
Rubens in Madrid. The Portrait of Philip IV
Matías Díaz Padrón, Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez, Magdala García Sánchez de la Barreda
Madrid (Epiarte) 2023
The Pictor Doctus, between Knowlegde and Workshop. Artists, Collections and Friendship in Europe, 1500-1900
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez and Ángel Rodríguez Rebollo (eds)
Turnhout (Brepols) 2021
‘Martín Pérez de Barrón y su Catalina Pérez, los donantes del Tríptico de la Asunción en el Museo Lázaro Galdiano‘
Article in Goya 374, (2021), pp. 18-31
Saint Rosalie Borne Up to Heaven by Angels: A Work by Anthony van Dyck and his Workshop
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Madrid (Epiarte) 2020
‘The Artistic Relations between Flanders and Spain in the 16th Century: an Approach to the Flemish Painting Trade’
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Article in Journal for Art Market Studies, 2 (2019), pp. 1-17
‘Regarding Otto van Veen´s Coppers in the Altarpiece of Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel at the Hospital of Briviesca (Burgos)’
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez and René Jesús Payo Hernanz
Article in Revue Belge d´Archélogie et d´Histoire de l´Art, LXXXVII (2018), pp. 157-186.
‘Anthonis Blocklandt van Monfoort at Zarautz (Guipúzcoa). The Pentecost triptych of the Church of Saint Gertude in Utrecht’
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Article in Oud Holland, 130, 1/2 (2017), pp. 1-14
Van Dyk en España
Matías Díaz Padrón, Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez and Jahel Sanzsalazar
Madrid (Epiarte) 2012
‘Un Naufragio ante la costa sudamericana de Cornelis Mahu’
Ana Diéguez-Rodríguez
Article in Boletín del Museo de Instituto Camón Aznar, nº 101 (2008), pp. 31-39.