CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dr. Antien Knaap Rose-Marie and Eijk van Otterloo Curator of Paintings, Art of Europe, Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Member of CODART since 2020

Exhibitions curated since 1999

CODART publications

Diva Zumaya, Michele Frederick and Antien Knaap, “Re-visioning Permanent Collection Installations: The View of Northern European Art from the US in 2022”, CODARTfeatures, February 2022.

Selected publications


“Sculpture in Pieces: Peter Paul Rubens’s Miracles of Francis Xavier and the Visual Tradition of Broken Idols”
Antien Knaap
Essay in From Idols to Museum Pieces: Alternative Histories of Sculpture 1660-1815, edited by Caroline van Eck and Pascal Griener, pp. 65-84
Berlin / Paris (Walter De Gruyter / École du Louvre) 2017


“Marvels and Marbles in the Antwerp Jesuit Church: Hendrick van Balen’s Stone Paintings of the Life of the Virgin (1621)”
Antien Knaap
Essay in Jesuit Image Theory in Europe and the Overseas Missions, edited by Walter Melion, Wietse de Boer and Karl Enenkel, pp. 352-393
Leiden / Boston (Brill Publishers / Intersections)  2016


Art, Music and Spectacle in the Age of Rubens: The Pompa Introitus Ferdinandi
Antien Knaap and Michael Putnam
Turnhout (Brepols Publishers) 2013


“Meditation, ministry, and visual rhetoric in Peter Paul Rubens’s program for the Jesuit Church in Antwerp”
Antien Knaap
Essay in The Jesuits II: cultures, sciences and the arts, 1540-1773, John W. O’Malley et al., eds., pp. 157-81
Toronto (Toronto University Press) 2006
ISBN 978-0-8020-3861-1

“Seeing in Sequence: Peter Paul Rubens’s Ceiling Cycle at the Jesuit Church in Antwerp”
Antien Knaap
Article in Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 55 (2006), pp. 155-195.


Review of Ronni Baer, The poetry of everyday life: Dutch painting in Boston
Antien Knaap
Review of catalogue of exhibition held in 2002 in Boston (Museum of Fine Arts), published in Historians of Netherlandish Art Newsletter 20 (2002), pp. 28-29


“From lowlife to rustic idyll: the peasant genre in seventeenth century Dutch drawings and prints”
Antien Knaap
Article in Harvard University Art Museums Bulletin (Spring 1996), pp. 31-54


Beelden buiten/Sculptures outside
Antien Knaap
Catalogue of exhibition held in 1990 in Tielt, Belgium

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