CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dr. Isabella Lores-Chavez Associate Curator of European Paintings, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco, California, USA


Member of CODART since 2022

Areas of specialization

  • 17th-century Dutch painting

Exhibitions curated since 1999

Selected publications


“Counterfeiting Materials, Imitating Nature”
Pamela H. Smith and Isabella Lores-Chavez
Essay in The Matter of Mimesis: Studies on Mimesis and Materials in Nature, Art and Science, edited by M. Bol and E. C. Spary
Leiden (Brill), 2023


“Plaster Casts in the Life and Art of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Painters”
Isabella Lores-Chavez
PhD dissertation, Columbia University, New York


“Imitating Raw Nature, fol. 10r.”
Isabella Lores-Chavez
Essay in Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France. A Digital Critical Edition and English Translation of BnF Ms. Fr. 640,  edited by P.H. Smith, N. Rosenkranz, T.H. Uchacz, T. Taape, C. Godbarge, S. Pitman, J. Boulboullé, J. Klein, D. Bilak, M. Smith and T. Catapano
New York (The Making and Knowing Project) 2020


“Political Sites and Collective Identities in Hendrick Avercamp’s Ice-Skating Landscapes”
Isabella Lores-Chavez
Article in Dutch Crossing, 43 no. 3 (2019), pp. 209-232
Oxfordshire (Routledge) 2019

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