CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Dr. Jenny Reynaerts Senior Curator and chair project Women of the Rijksmuseum, Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Jenny Reynaerts is curator of the Rijksmuseum staff since 2003. From 1985 until 2003 she was assistant-professor at the University of Amsterdam, Department of Art History. She started as curator 19 th and 20 th c. paintings, from 2008 she became senior curator 18th and 19th century paintings. In 2011 she was a Fellow at the Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass. Since March 2023 she is exclusively devoted to leading the research project Women of the Rijksmuseum, which aims at a better gender balance in the museum’s collection, presentation and educational and research output.

Exhibitions curated since 1999

Selected publications

Download selection of publications by Jenny Reynaerts (PDF file, 2024).