CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Lea van der Vinde Freelance Curator, Kunst en Musea in Strijen, The Netherlands


Associate Member of CODART since 2024

Member of CODART from 2008 until 2024

Exhibitions curated since 1999

CODART publications

Rosalie van Gulick, “Lea van der Vinde Interviewed”, CODARTfeatures, May 2022.

Selected publications


“Herontdekking op portret van Tulp / Rediscovery on Tulp portrait”
Lea van der Vinde
Article in Mauritshuis in Focus 21, nr. 2 (2008), pp. 26-30

Hollandse stadsgezichten in de Gouden Eeuw
Arthur Wheelock, Boudewijn Bakker, Ariane van Suchtelen and others, with contributions by Lea van der Vinde
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2008-09 in The Hague (Mauritshuis) and in 2009 in Washington (National Gallery of Art)

“Niederländische Malerei: die Sammlung Kremer
Lea van der Vinde, editor, with contributions by her and others
Catalogue of an exhibition held in 2008 in Cologne (Wallraf-Richartz-Museum), in 2008-09 in Kassel (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister) and in 2009 in Haarlem (Frans Hals Museum)
Dutch edition: Rembrandt, een jongensdroom: de collectie Kremer


Kinderen in het Mauritshuis / Children in the Mauritshuis
Lea van der Vinde
Museum book for visitors
The Hague (Mauritshuis) and Zwolle (Waanders) 2007

“Le portrait d’enfant, un genre particulier”
Lea van der Vinde
Article in Dossier de l’Art 143 (2007), pp. 46-55

Dutch portraits: the age of Rembrandt and Frans Hals
Rudi Ekkart, Quentin Buvelot et al., with contributions by Lea van der Vinde
Catalogue of exhibition held in 2007 in London (The National Gallery) and The Hague (Mauritshuis)
Dutch edition: Hollanders in beeld: portretten uit de Gouden Eeuw

“’Saul en David’ in de vaderlandsche geschiedenis / ’Saul and David’ in Dutch national history”
Lea van der Vinde
Article in Mauritshuis in Focus 20, nr. 1 (2007), pp. 19-21


“De Bentveughels / The “Bentveughels”’
Lea van der Vinde
Article in Mauritshuis in Focus 19, nr.1 (2006), pp. 13-17

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