CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

TreM.a – Musée des Arts anciens du Namurois

TreM.a - Museum of Ancient Arts


TreM.a was formerly known as the Musée provincial des Arts anciens du Namurois.

Located in the city of Namur, TreM.a – Museum of Ancient Arts aims to offer a journey through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The museum focuses on artists, craftsmen and workshops from the Sambre and Meuse Valley in the Walloon Region. Highlights include the Treasure of Oignies, a 50-piece set of religious objects from the thirteenth century, that has been attributed to the Mosan artist Hugo d’Oignies (ca. 1187-1238), and the largest collection of landscapes by Herri met de Bles (ca. 1490-1561) in the world.

The collection of gothic and renaissance sculptures made throughout the region of the Rhine and Meuse delta includes many examples made in wood, stone and ivory. Also on view are two pre-Eyckian masterpieces: the Walcourt Panels, showing the Annunciation and Visitation of Mary, and the Shrine of Saint Maurice.

Since 1964 the collections are preserved, studied and exhibited in an eighteenth-century mansion that was bequeathed to the city by the Gaiffier d’Hestroy family.

Marie-Françoise Degembre, Manager (November 2021)

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