Ranger’s House is a Georgian villa on the boundary of Greenwich Park and Blackheath which houses The Wernher Collection, a world-class art collection assembled by the nineteenth-century businessman, Sir Julius Wernher. Wernher amassed a range of paintings, Medieval and Renaissance decorative arts and French furniture from the 1880s onwards and originally exhibited it at his London home, Bath House on Picadilly and his country estate, Luton Hoo in Bedfordshire. On display at Ranger’s House since 2002, the Collection is now loaned to English Heritage by the Trustees of the Wernher Foundation. The Collections contains a small group of twelve Dutch and Flemish paintings including Pieter de Hooch, Willem van de Velde and Adriaen van Ostade. Highlights from the collection include An Interior with a Family by Pieter de Hooch and An Interior with a Gentleman and a Lady at a Spinet by Gabriel Metsu. The works are displayed in the Green Silk Room at Ranger’s House and more information on the collection can be found on English Heritage’s website.
Ranger’s House is managed by English Heritage
Tessa Kilgarriff, Curator of Collections & Interiors – South London, English Heritage (June 2021)