Designated ‘the national collection of British art from 1545 to the present day’, most of Tate’s Collection of pre-twentieth-century works (when on display) are shown at Tate Britain.
In sixteenth-, seventeenth- and early eigteenth-century Britain, many leading artists had been born and/or trained in the Low Countries, and are therefore represented in the Tate Collection. The relevant works are almost all paintings, plus just a few works on paper. Some of the most significant examples include the outstanding sketch in oil paint on panel by Peter Paul Rubens for the ceiling of the Banqueting House in London, and three English-period portraits by Anthony van Dyck.
Tate holds a number of works by Hans Eworth, Marcus Gheeraerts II, Cornelius Johnson, Peter Lely, Jan Griffier I, Jan Siberechts, Peter Borseller, Edward Collier, and Peter Tillemans. It also holds single paintings by Paul van Somer I, Daniel Mytens I, Adam de Colone, Alexander Keirincx, Simon Du Bois, Willem Wissing, Haerman Verelst, and Jacob Huysmans.
Karen Hearn was the Curator of 16th & 17th Century British Art at Tate from 1992 to 2012.