The holdings of the Alte Galerie consist of paintings, sculptures and graphic arts from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century. While the medieval exhibits exclusively originate from Styria and Carinthia, the ones from the modern times are Austrian, Italian, Flemish, Dutch and German.
Generous donations from the imperial family and legacies from noble persons are the most precious works of art in the Alte Galerie, e. g. the Kirmes by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, which exists with the Triumph of Death by his brother Jan the Elder among the most outstanding exhibits.
Paintings from the Netherlands come from Herri met de Bles, Hendrick de Clerck, Frans Floris, Philips Wouwerman and others. Since the relaunch of the gallery in 2019 a loan of the Kaiserschild Trust of 30 paintings from the seventeenth century, the Golden Age, is shown. Still lifes, landscapes including marine art and society pieces complete the exhibition rooms.
Christine Rabensteiner, Curator (June 2020)
Collection catalogues
Bildwerke: Renaissance, Manierismus, Barock: Gemälde und Skulpturen aus der Alten Galerie des Steiermärkischen Landesmuseums Joanneum in Graz
Biedermann, Gottfried, Gabriele Gmeiner-Hübel and Christine Rabensteiner
Klagenfurt 1995
Rembrandt (1606-1669): Radierungen
Ulrich Becker, Karin Leitner-Ruhe, with essay on the trade in paper in 17th-century Holland by Helmgard Holle and Manfred Schreiner
Catalogue of exhibition held in Graz (Landesmuseum Joanneum) 2006
Graz (Landesmuseum Joanneum) 2006
Between Dying and Dancing. Masterpieces of the early modern period.
Ulrich Becker, Karin Leitner-Ruhe, Christine Rabensteiner.
Graz (Universalmuseum Joanneum), (= Joannea, Neue Folge, Band 7/2019)