CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

English catalogue of Dutch paintings in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts released

A detailed catalogue in English compiling all Dutch paintings in the Pushkin Museum was released in Amsterdam and Moscow.

From the SCI website

Dutch paintings XVII-XIX centuries, Moscow 2009

The English language catalogue of Dutch paintings in the Pushkin Museum rolled off the printing presses and was delivered in Amsterdam and Moscow. We are delighted with the final result of this grand project, which took longer to accomplish than initially foreseen due to various reasons – most crucially the sudden and tragic death of the author, Dr. Marina Senenko in 2006.

The catalogue contains elaborate descriptions, including provenance information and literature updates of the 367 old and 33 19th century Dutch paintings of the Pushkin Museum. All the works are reproduced, of which 150 in full color. The catalogue also includes indexes of provenance, current and former attributions.

On 28 September of this year, an official presentation of the catalogue will be held at the Pushkin Museum, during which the Dutch ambassador, drs. Ronald Keller will offer the first copy to Dr. Irina A. Antonova, director of the Pushkin Museum.

The catalogue is already available for friends or relations of SCI and can be ordered for the special price of € 100,- at:
Stichting Cultuur Inventarisatie
Sarphatistraat 84 hs
1018 GS Amsterdam
The price of the catalogue is € 100,-, exclusive postal expenses.
Account number 46 51 33 223.

The catalogue is also available for the regular price of € 125,- at:
Erasmus Antiquariaat en Boekhandel BV
P.O. Box 19140
1000 GC Amsterdam
ISBN number 978-5-91521-020-1

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