CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

1 September 2010: Ask a curator day

“Ask a Curator Day” on 1 September 2010 will organize a unique worldwide “question and answer” session which will enable interested museum visitors to put questions to museum and gallery curators.
For CODART members and other curators this is a unique opportunity to communicate directly with the museum public.

How to take part?

The organizers of this day are using the popular website Twitter to host “Ask a Curator”. You can find a list of participating cultural venues in the “who to ask?” section of the website, or simply follow the hashtag #askacurator on 1 September to follow the questions other people are asking.

As a museum curator, you can announce the participation of your museum by starting to follow “Askacurator” at Twitter. You can sign up for "Ask a curator" here.

If you are new to Twitter and not sure where to start, you might find this Twitter Guidebook from the website Mashable useful.

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