CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

CODART welcomes its 100th follower on Twitter

Since 30 May of this year CODART has extended its supply of information on Dutch and Flemish art worldwide to social media networks. We are proud to announce that we could welcome our 100th follower this weekend. Kim Sluijter, assistant curator in the Historisch Museum de Bevelanden in Goes, the Netherlands got us into triple numbers and has won herself a CODART curator survival kit.

We believe following us on Twitter can be quite convenient even without winning a survival kit. If it’s short, up-to-date information that you seek, Twitter might be just for you. For in-depth information you can, of course,  always keep visiting our website. And if you have acquired the taste of social media, why don’t follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn as well?

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