From the foundation’s press release, 18 January 2011
The website of the Foundation for Cultural Inventory has been renewed and is now in both Dutch and English. This proves to be very fruitful: we currently have visitors from thirty countries on We would like to invite you to take a look and browse through all the different projects and inventories of the foundation. In the nearby future, all our new projects and information will be announced and shared here. It will be updated frequently.
About SCI
The Foundation for Cultural Inventory (SCI) documents and takes inventories of Dutch and Flemish cultural heritage in countries outside West-Europe and North-America. SCI encourages public and scientific interest for this heritage by initiating or supporting research, publishing catalogues an organizing exhibitions. By doing so, SCI supports the long-term preservation and administration of this heritage.
SCI is an independent organization, without structural financing. The foundation has a board and a staff of volunteers with its headquarters in Amsterdam. SCI is the continuance of the in 1991 founded Foundation for the Integration of Culture (SIC).
For projects, SCI is depending on external financial support. In the past the foundation has received this support by, a.o., the Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds, the BankGiroloterij and the Getty Foundation. SCI depends on sponsoring from donations to cover travelling and administration costs.