CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

Alfred Bader Passed Away

Dr. Alfred Bader, a Canadian chemist, businessman and collector of Dutch art, passed away on December 23, 2018. He was 94 years old.

A lifelong collector, Bader has devoted himself to the study of art history and collection of Dutch Old Masters. Over the years, he donated over 200 paintings from his personal collection to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University in Kingston.

For more information about the remarkable life of Alfred Bader, see this article in the Queen’s Gazette.

Alfred Bader during a visit to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in 2014 Photo: queensu at (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Alfred Bader during a visit to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre in 2014
Photo: queensu at (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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