CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

CODART at Home: Your Guide to Online Dutch and Flemish Art

Over the past weeks, museums around the world have actively increased their digital outreach to share their collections and exhibitions while they remained closed to the public. To help guide you through all these new digital offerings CODART launches a continuously updated selection of the finest digital projects in the field of Dutch and Flemish art on CODART at Home [update: page is no longer available].

CODART at Home is your guide to online initiatives related to Dutch and Flemish art such as online museum visits, virtual exhibitions, podcasts, videos by curators, scholarly resources and more. In addition to the latest projects and a few older items that are worth revisiting, CODART at Home also features a brief section of latest news concerning the current situation.

CODART at Home is meant to provide an extensive selection of the various projects in the field of Dutch and Flemish art that museums are currently offering. Although we try to include as many items as possible, it will be impossible to compile a complete overview of all available digital projects.

We are also interested in hearing from you! What are your favorite digital initiatives and how are museums in your region coping with closure? Let us know by sending an e-mail to