On 6 October 2023, CODART organized a public symposium on The Curator of the Future, at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, which was attended by more than 170 international museum professionals, students and art-lovers. Recordings of the panel discussions and closing remarks by Warda El-Kaddouri are now available online. The symposium concluded with the festive presentation of a special anniversary magazine, which is now available to preview and order from our website.
In celebration of its 25th anniversary, CODART compiled and published a special anniversary magazine, in which members, Friends, and others involved with CODART reflect on the past two-and-a-half decade. The publication also looks ahead to the future and the role curators and CODART have in it. Featuring interviews, projects that have come about (partly) thanks to CODART, members’ favorite memories, conversations between junior and senior curators, and the highlights of the survey ‘The Curator of the Future’.
- Panel discussion on ‘The Object and Other Stories’. Panel members (left to right): Maria Holtrop, Oscar Ekkelboom, Jacquelyn N. Coutré, Hannah Iterbeke, Christi Klinkert (photo: Bob Bronshoff).
- Maartje Beekman, director of CODART, presents the Anniversary Magazine to CODART founder Gary Schwartz and his wife Loekie (photo: Bob Bronshoff).
On the occasion of its 25th anniversary CODART commissioned an external research bureau to investigate what the role – and value – is of the curator of Dutch and Flemish art in today’s museum. The bureau was also tasked with examining what the future holds for the profession. Key findings from the research project The Curator of the Future, as well as the full report, are available on this page.