CODART, Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide

February Issue of The Burlington Magazine Dedicated to Northern European Art

The Burlington magazine has announced its upcoming annual edition on northern European art. The issue will contain an appealing range of articles and reviews on Dutch, Flemish and other northern European art.

Table of contents


Country houses and contemporary art


‘Qualis vita, finis ita’: The life and death of Margaret Lemon, mistress of Van Dyck
By Hilary Maddicott

Hans Memling’s Nájera altarpiece: new documentary evidence
By Bart Fransen

The patron of Hieronymus Bosch’s ‘Last Judgment’ triptych in Vienna
By Jos Koldeweij, Luuk Hoogstede, Matthijs Ilsink, Koen Janssens, Nouchka de Keyser, Rik Klein Gotink, Stijn Legrand, Julia M. Nauhaus, Geert van der Snickt, Ron Spronk.

Codde not Brekelenkam: a case of mistaken identity
By Jochai Rosen

Bringing Mondrian’s ‘Lozenge composition with yellow lines’ to the Netherlands
By Lieke Wijnia

The Art of Conservation: XIV

The Art of Conservation XIV. Accommodating change: twentieth-century American artists and conservators
By Bradford A. Epley

Special offer

Save 40% on the February 2017 issue (offer price $25.00 including postage and packaging);

To take advantage of the offer, please contact the office administrator at quoting CODART or to learn more about our range of subscriptions please visit the Burlington’s website.