In the last few weeks, new issues of Oud Holland and Simiolus have appeared. Below you can find the contents of both issues.
Oud Holland: Quarterly for Dutch Art History 121 (2008) nr. 2/3
Vanessa Vaes
"A Phoenix from the flames…: the testament of Catherine de Brabant (ca. 1431-1499) and its relationship to Rogier van der Weyden’s Braque triptych (ca. 1452)"
Natasja Peeters
"’Den quaden tyt’? The artistic career of the young Ambrosius Francken before the fall of Antwerp"
Margaret A. Sullivan
"Bosch, Brueghel, Everyman and the Northern Renaissance"
Mark Rosen
"The Medici grand duchy and Rubens’s first trip to Spain: a new document"
Paul Taylor
"Flatness in Dutch art and theory: theory and practice"
Book review
Albert Blankert
Review of Quentin Buvelot, De stillevens van Adriaen Coorte (werkzaam c.1683-1707), met oeuvrecatalogus, published on the occasion of an exhibition held in 2008 in The Hague (Mauritshuis)
Simiolus: Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art 33 (2007/08) nr. 3
Susanne Franke
"Between status and spritual salvation: the Portinari triptych and Tommaso Portinari’s concern for his memoria"
Ingmar Reesing
"Notre Dame de Foy: the reuse and dissemination of a late medieval figurine of the Virgin in the Low Countries"
Koenraad Brosens
"Who commissioned Rubens’s Constantine series? A new perspective: the entrepreneurial strategy of Marc Comans and François de la Planche"
Book reviews
De Jong on Giovanni Sapori, Fiamminghi nel cantiere Italia 1560-1600; de Vries on Katja Kleinert, Atelierdarstellungen in der niederländischen Genremalerei de 17. Jahrhunderts: realistisches Abbild oder glaubwürdiger Schein?