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New Boletín del Museo del Prado Published

The Museo del Prado published the latest issue of Boletín del Museo del Prado. The Boletin aims to present the outcome of new research on works in the collection of the Prado and on related topics in the field of Art History, as well as on the history of the museum.

The issue includes articles on works by Jan van Eyck, Pieter de Kempeneer, and Jacob Jordaens. See the table of contents below. For abstracts and subscriptions consult

Boletín del Museo del Prado, no. 53 (2017)

The Palm Tree: An unknown iconographic element of the Romanesque Paintings of Maderuelo
Antonio de Ávila Juárez

Jan van Eyck, Alonso de Cartagena and the Fountain of Grace
Jesús R. Folgado García and Manuel Parada López de Corselas

Between God, the Church and the Synagogue: Angel musicians in the Fountain of Grace from the workshop of Jan van Eyck
Grzegorz Kubies

A New Painting by Pieter de Kempeneer: El Prado’s Musician Angels
Antonio Romero Dorado

El Greco as a Sculptor: A Technical Study of Attributed Works
Sonia Tortajada

Camillo and Giulio Cesare Procaccini at the Service of Spanish Governors in Milan: Some episodes of patronage and collecting
Odette D’Albo

The Conception of the Meleager and Atalanta Paintings by Jordaens
Brecht Vanoppen

The Two-Stage Elaboration of Meleager and Atalanta by Jacob Jordaens at the Prado: Technical considerations
Alejandro Vergara, Laura Alba, María Dolores Gayo and Maite Jover

New Documents on Josefa Bayeu and the Color Grinder, Pedro Gómez, and the Milieu of Goya in 1801
Gudrun Maurer

The Collection of French Masters Drawings Owned by Isidoro Brun (1819-1898) now Preserved in the Museo Nacional del Prado
Oriane Lavit

The Altarpiece of Archbishop Sancho de Rojas: Its Acquisition, Reconstruction and Exhibition in the Museo del Prado (1928-30)
Sonia Jiménez