Historians of Netherlandish Art announces the publication of the Winter 2020 issue (vol. 12:1) of the refereed, open-access Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art (jhna.org). This special issue on the art of Gerard de Lairesse has been guest edited by Eric Jan Sluijter, University of Amsterdam; Elmer Kolfin, University of Amsterdam; Jasper Hillegers, Salomon Lilian Gallery: Marrigje Rikken, Frans Hals Museum.
Table of Contents
Eric Jan Sluijter, Elmer Kolfin, Jasper Hillegers, and Marrigje Rikken, Introduction
Eric Jan Sluijter, On Gerard de Lairesse’s “Frenchness,” His Liège Roots, and His Artistic Integration in Amsterdam
This article demonstrates how Lairesse’s style, his knowledge of contemporary Italian art and ideas, and his understanding of the art of antiquity was fully developed by 1670; it was shaped by the Romanist-classicist tradition in Liège and the art of Amsterdam, without any significant intervention of French painting and art theory.
Paul Taylor, Raphael, Poussin, and Lairesse
The artist often characterized as “the Dutch Raphael” or “the Dutch Poussin” only knew the works of Raphael and Poussin through prints. The paper examines how this vicarious knowledge of “the grand manner” influenced Lairesse’s own pictorial style, focusing in particular on his theory and practice of color.
Weixuan Li, The Hands Behind Lairesse’s Masterpieces: Gerard de Lairesse’s Workshop Practice
This article examines Gerard de Lairesse’s painting production and its correlation with his pupils’ presence in the workshop.
Jasper Hillegers, The Drawings of Gérard de Lairesse: State of Affairs
The essay signals the considerable gaps in the current state of research on Lairesse’s drawings, asks critical questions, and proposes new attributions in order to generate scholarly discussion
Robert Schillemans, The Infancy of Jesus and Religious Painting by Gerard de Lairesse.
This article focuses on the Infancy of Jesus by Gerard de Lairesse: its date, place of origin and destination, the influences De Lairesse assimulates, and its message.
Vera Blok Pen and Paint: The Painting Technique in Gerard de Lairesse’s Bacchus and Ariadne as Compared to the Principles Expounded in His Groot Schilderboek.
A comparison between the painting technique in Gerard de Lairesse’s Bacchus and Ariadne and two principles expounded in his Groot Schilderboek; flesh colors and perspective.
Robert Wenley, Fleeting Senses and Enduring Love: Lairesse and the Van Rijn Children. Lairesse and Portraiture
This article reveals the iconography, provenance, and sitters of Gerard de Lairesse’s Allegory of the Senses, 1668 (Glasgow Museums), and places the painting within the artist’s oeuvre.
All articles are available on jhna.org
Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art
JHNA publishes issues of peer-reviewed articles two times per year. These articles focus on Netherlandish, German, and Franco-Flemish art during the early modern period (ca. 1400-ca.1750), and in other countries as they relate to Netherlandish art. This includes studies of painting, sculpture, graphic arts, tapestry, architecture, and decoration, from the perspectives of art history, art conservation, museum studies, historiography, and collecting history.