Four Notes in the June 2023 issue of Print Quarterly may be of interest to CODART members for their material relating to Dutch and Flemish artists and the wider activities of the region.
An Van Camp reviews Gateways to the Book: Frontispieces and Title-pages in Early Modern Europe, an edited volume of essays exploring the intersection of art and literature via frontispieces and printed images. Special mention is given to a chapter on Peter Paul Rubens’ legacy in book design and the contributions of lesser known Antwerp artists.
Antony Griffiths examines Joyce Zelen’s study Blinded by Curiosity: The Collector-Dealer Hadriaan Beverland (1650–1716) and his Radical Approach to the Printed Image, which reconstructs the renowned Dutch scholar’s activities during his last years, from 1680 (apparently spent as a ‘paranoid alcoholic drifting through the pubs and brothels of London’), as well as two little known manuscripts that he illustrated with cut-out fragments of master prints. The review highlights two portrait prints seemingly commissioned by Beverland himself which Griffiths believes ‘stand far outside the traditional canons of portraiture’, as well as the discovery by Zelen of a major sale of Beverland’s print collection held in 1690.
Christian Rümelin’s brief Note on the print collectors Ernst Riecker and Otto Freiherr von Breitschwert mentions the former’s special interest in collecting sixteenth-century German and Dutch art.
Michael Matile’s review of the exhibition catalogue Linie lernen: Die Kunst zu zeichnen highlights an interesting case study relating to Rubens’ early studies after German old masters, in this case Albrecht Dürer. The thesis here is that for a drawing that may have been part of an album of drawings, Rubens traced a Dürer woodcut in transmitted light and then freely reworked it in pen and ink.
The Pope and the Grindstone: A Jacobean Satirical Print by Helen Pierce
Watteau and Boucher Conjoined: Imagining China in Marquetry by Kee Il Choi Jr.
Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein’s Album of Prints in the British Museum by Lesley Fulton
Shorter Notice
Albrecht Dürer as St George: A Proposal by Marjorie B. Cohn
Gateways to the Book: Frontispieces and Title-Pages in Early Modern Europe by An Van Camp
Warsaw’s German Prints (Old Master Prints from the 15th Century to the 1820s: German School, Barthel Beham and Sebald Beham. The Print Room of the University of Warsaw Library, Catalogue of the Collection) by Séverine Lepape
Sixteenth-Century German Prints in Italian Private Collections (Incisori Tedeschi del Cinquecento) by Giulia Bartrum
Venetian Drawings and Prints in Munich (Venedig: La Serenissima – Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik aus vier Jahrhunderten) by Michael Matile
Castiglione at the Kunsthaus Zürich (Baroque Brilliance: Drawings and Prints by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione) by Tom Rassieur
Hadriaan Beverland (1650–1716) in London (Blinded by Curiosity: The Collector-Dealer Hadriaan Beverland (1650–1716) and his Radical Approach to the Printed Image) by Antony Griffiths
Print Collections and Collectors in Europe, 1500–1815 (Curieux d’Estampes. Collections et collectionneurs de gravures en Europe (1500–1815)) by Kristel Smentek
A History of Rome in Maps by Mark McDonald
Ernst Riecker’s and Otto Freiherr von Breitschwert’s Collections in Backnang and Tübingen by Christian Rümelin
Learning to Draw (Linie lernen: Die Kunst zu zeichnen) by Michael Matile
Nineteenth-Century Series of Artists’ Portraits (Pantheon und Boulevard: Künstler in Porträtserien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Druckgrafik und Fotografie) by F. Carlo Schmid
Decoration in Fin-de-siècle Books (Éloge du parergon : L’Art décoratifs du livre fin-de-siècle) by Stephen Calloway
Ogata Gekkō (1859–1920) (Printed and Painted: The Meiji Art of Ogata Gekkō (1859–1920)) by Alfred Haft
Giovanni Guerrini (1887–1972) (Tra Preraffaellismo e Liberty. Opere 1908–1928) by Martin Hopkinson
Nikolai Astrup (1880–1928) at Williamstown by Martin Hopkinson
Harald Sohlberg (1869–1935) by Martin Hopkinson
Edward McKnight Kauffer (1890–1954) by Martin Hopkinson
Matisse: The Books by Stephanie d’Alessandro
The Strong Black Women of Elizabeth Catlett by Lisa E. Farrington
Twentieth-Century Reproductive Engravers (Le Serviteur inspiré: Portrait de l’artiste en travailleur de l’ombre) by Christian Rümelin
Forty Years of Printmaking – Anita Klein by Paul Coldwell
Obituary for Johann Christian Georg von Heusinger (1928–2022) by Thomas Schauerte
Catalogue and Book Reviews
Marcantonio Raimondi: Raphael’s Engraver and Beyond (Marcantonio Raimondi: Il primo incisore di Raffaello. Atti del convegno internazionale Urbino 23–25 ottobre 2019, and Giorgio Vasari e la vita di Marcantonio Bolognese, e d’altri intagliatori di stampe, edited by G. M. Fara) by Angelika Marinovic
Alfred Kubin: Confessions of a Tortured Soul by Marsha Morton
Erich Heckel: A New Catalogue Raisonné of the Prints (Werkverzeichnis der Druckgraphik) by Aya Soika
Pop on Paper: Von Warhol bis Lichtenstein by Susan Tallman
Lucian Freud (Catalogue Raisonné of the Prints) by Paul Coldwell