This evening at the Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague) colleagues from around the world will honor Dr. Hana Seifertová and her 75th birthday (12 May) with festivities including the release of the publication Haně Seifertové. Hana has been a long-standing and loyal CODART member since 1998. We wish her a very happy birthday and many more fruitful and healthy years ahead.
7 Laudatio
"To Hana Seifertová on the occasion of 12 May 2009"
13 Stefan Bartilla
"Odysseus und Athena in der Grotte der Nymphen",
eine neuplatonische Allegorie
von Cornelis van Poelenburch
23 Beket Bukovinská
"Drei contrafeit kaiser Caroli Quinti, kaiser
Ferdinandi und kaiser Maximiliani, von mosaico"
29 Lubomír Konečný
"Rottenhammer and Laocoön"
33 Olga Kotková
"Venus and Cupid at the Forge of Vulcan: Maerten van Heemskerck´s Reminiscence of Rome"
41 Jochen Luckhardt
"Hölle und Himmel in Osterode"
47 Fred G. Meijer
"An Interior with an Old Scholar from 1629
by Jan Davidsz. de Heem (1606–1683/84)"
53 Norbert E. Middelkoop
"Eine moderne Schutzpatronin – die Heilige Barbara
und die Amsterdamer Maurerzunft"
59 Lubomír Slavíček
"Josef Karel Hoser: Collector of Gallery, Exhibition and Auction Catalogues"
69 Anja K. Ševčík
"Alea jacta placet“ – zu einer Genreszene
des wiederentdeckten Münchner Caravaggisten
Johannes Briederl d. J."
77 Thea Vignau-Wilberg
"Houf: excud: Verlagstätigkeit um 1600"
87 Vít Vlnas
"The Project of a never implemented Gallery of Bohemian Rulers for the St. Vitus Cathedral
in Prague"
93 Hana Seifertová – bibliography
Anja K. Ševčík (ed.), Haně Seifertové, Prague 2009, ISBN 978-80-7035-416-2
More information on Hana Seifertová