The second episode of CODART Conversations is now available online.
In the latest video Bart Cornelis (The National Gallery, London), Dolores Delgado (Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid), Carina Fryklund (Nationalmuseum, Stockholm), and Anne van Oosterwijk (Musea Brugge) talk about the effects of COVID-19 on their museums during the past months. They tell about their plans and expectations for the months to come and what new developments they have witnessed. Among the subjects are the stronger focus on permanent collections and the (de)installation of exhibitions without couriers physically present. The discussion is moderated by Adam Eaker (Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York).
CODART Conversations
The series consist of recorded conversations between five CODART members from various countries discussing the current situation and the impact on their museums. The second episode is a follow up to the first CODART Conversations published in June, in which the effects of COVID-19, the protests following the death of George Floyd, international loans and exhibitions, and the future of blockbuster exhibitions were discussed.
Watch the CODART Conversations here.